Support iOS 8 - 10 (iPhone 5/5C/5S/6/6+/6S/6S+)

Local VoiceMail on Steroids!

Super VoiceMail will automatically answers your calls (or declined calls) and record a personal message from the caller, just like a real life Answering Machine - directly on your device.

Never again you will need to call your carrier VoiceMail and extract the messages from there. everything is saved locally for quick browsing and sharing.

- Record Greeting or use Sir's voice to welcome your callers to your Super VoiceMail. Siri's voice greeting can be recorded in all supported languages.

- Works Everywhere! Unlike Visual VoiceMail that only works in specific carriers, Super VoiceMail works regardless of which Carrier you are on.

- Smart Gestures & Animations On incoming call let you quickly interact with Super VoiceMail and activate various features.

- Tap to activate VoiceMail and start recording a message locally. Tap again to deactivate.

- Drag Right/Left to listen to the caller without him hearing you.

- Drag Down to reveal the hang-up button while a message is recorded.

- Drag Up to dismiss Super VoiceMail and stop recording.

- Listen to Caller while he/she leaves a message in the local VoiceMail.

- Transcript Messages converts your audio messages to text so you can read them instead of listening to them (iOS 9 and up).

- Suppress HangUp button while a message is recorded so you won't accidentally hang up the call.

- Declined Calls can automatically be directed to the Super VoiceMail. you can do that activate this through the app settings.

- Auto Answer an incoming call after a specific duration and start playing a greeting and recording a message.

- Email Messages to your personal email or share with anyone through WhatsApp/Line/Skype/..

- Tons of options to set up through the app settings (click the left menu and go to 'Settings')

Fully compatible with Super Recorder and Call Recorder (iOS).


- Super VoiceMail can only record messages when the phone is online and in a state where it can receive calls.
- Transcript Messages only works on iOS 9 and up. for some languages transcript will require a working internet connection.
- iPhone 4S is not supported
- Application license is only valid for 1 device !

Configure options from Settings.

See larger Screenshots below..

View All Screenshots

Fixes installation problems on some devices

- iOS 10 Support
- Fixed conflicts with Super Recorder & iOS Call Recorder
- Fixed crashes on iOS 9 and down
Updated February 14, 2017
License Commercial Package
Suggested Price $ 1
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