Not yet ios7 compatible.
Welcome to convenience! Move your important toggles directly into Springboard where they are always available instantly even while other apps are running.

  • Notification center integration ios5
  • Customizable drop down window
  • Show date and memory on statusbar
  • Many themes available
  • Many 3rd party widgets available.

You can swipe the statusbar to bring down the main window. You can configure in activator settings other methods of opening the SBSettings window. You can integrate into ios5 notification center using notifications in settings app. Customize it to your liking!

iOS5 and iOS6 users, here are my recommended settings for the notification window section:

In notification options, turn everything off except button titles. This will give you only your toggles and to the left you will have the more button, and ip address type text.

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  • IOS6 support bug fixes
  • If you use "IP" as your string for your carrier, it will insert the last numeric nibble of the IP address over the carrier name. (Make sure you delete the first space in "IP" so it's not " IP".
  • Note: ONLY ios5 notification plugin changes were made. Nothing else was changed. The files are identical from previous verisons in other regards than that and as listed below
  • Fix: Lag that grows longer and longer when on ios5 and using the drop down window and ios5 notification center together. The springboard was locking up for a time after dismissing the drop down window and that time limit would grow each time notification center was viewed. Should be solved.
  • Fix: Refresh button now updates free memory and IP address.
  • Fix: Free memory and IP address are now updated everytime you drop the notification center down.
  • Updated: Updated respring method used in ios5 notification area.
  • New: added retina respring and arrow images provided by user Phillip.

  • Fix: Refreshing of IP address in ios5 notification center now refreshes everytime you drop the window down.
  • Fix: Hiding icons list in more app now shows app icons.
  • Fix: Location toggle fixed for iOS 5.0 in latest toggle pack.

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Updated January 2, 2014
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